Udayana University Electrical Engineering Students Win Second Place in the 2023 GALAKSI Scientific Writing Competition

Good news comes again from Electrical Engineering students, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The team consisting of Pande Putu Andhika Putra Adi Wangsa (NIM 2205541020), Asano Ezar Syandhana (NIM 2205541019), and Kadek Sinta Pridayani (NIM 2205541012) has achieved brilliant achievements by winning second place in the 2023 GALAKSI Scientific Writing Competition.

The achievements achieved by the Udayana University Electrical Engineering student team should be appreciated as proof of their commitment to the development of science and research. The scientific writing they prepared succeeded in attracting the attention of the jury and received an excellent assessment, thus achieving second place in a tight competition.

The team of Electrical Engineering students who won second place also feel very grateful for their achievements in GALAKSI 2023. They hope that this achievement can motivate their fellow students to continue trying and innovating in the academic field.

Pande Putu Andhika Putra Adi Wangsa, one of the team members, said, "We are very happy and proud of this achievement. We thank all parties who have supported us during the competition process. This achievement will be an encouragement for us to continue to contribute to the world academic and research."

Congratulations to the Electrical Engineering student team, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University for this brilliant achievement. Hopefully their achievements will be an inspiration for other students to continue to pursue better achievements.