Metamorphosis of FK UNUD 2023

Metamorphosis of FK UNUD 2023


BEM FK Unud is holding the 2023 Metamorphosis activity. This activity is a form of Pre-Basic Level Student Management Skills Training (LKMM) at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University which is in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's latest curriculum guidelines.

This activity will last for 2 days, namely Semester 1 Metamorphosis 2023 which will take place on Saturday, 16 September 2023, and Semester 2 Metamorphosis 2023 which will take place on Saturday, 23 September 2023.

The 2023 metamorphosis has the theme "Viveka Anagata" which means achieving wisdom to face the future. Semester 1 of Metamorfosa 2023 begins with the Mikatpres EXPO, followed by an opening event, as well as several material delivery sessions, including regarding Interprofessional Education (IPE) by dr. I G A Sri Darmayani, S.Ked., Sp.OG., M.Pd.Ked., material on Morality presented by dr. Ida Bagus Amertha Putra Manuaba, S. Ked.,

M. Biomed., Ph.D., material regarding the Student Creativity Program (PKM) by dr. Agus Eka Darwinata, Ph.D.

This event was officially opened by the Chair of BEM FK Unud, Putu Labitha Parameswari Gustin who represented the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and he sent a welcoming video containing a message of encouragement to the participants and committee, as well as reminding them of the importance of activities that can support achievement. both academic and non-academic.