35 FK Unud Lecturers Prepare to Become Clinical Skills Instructors

35 FK Unud Lecturers Prepare to Become Clinical Skills Instructors


The Skill Lab Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held Clinical Skills Instructor Training with the aim of preparing lecturers to become clinical skills instructors at FK Unud. This training took place in the N. A. Bagiada meeting room, Cakra Vidya Usadha Building, Denpasar. (14/9/2023)

Participated by 35 lecturers, this training presented 5 resource persons, namely:

1. dr. IGA Sri Darmayani, M.Pd.Ked., presented material on "The Role of Clinical Skills Instructors"

2.Dr. Dr. IBG Fajar Manuaba, Sp. OG., MARS., material "Installation of IUD and Implant Birth Control"

3.Dr. Dr. Ni Made Susilawathi, Sp.S(K)., material "Neurological Physical Examination"

4. dr. Made Ferryawan Meregawa, Sp.OT., material "Musculoskeletal Examination"

5. dr. NGAA Manik Yuniawaty Wetan, Sp.B(K) Onk., material "Circumcision"

Attended by the Skill Lab Unit Coordinator, Dr. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Artini, M.Sc., the event was opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M. Kes., who in his speech said that clinical skills instructor training is one of the requirements to become a Basic Clinical Skills (BCS) facilitator and later these instructors can provide knowledge, skills and teach the right attitudes to produce graduates qualified doctor.