Strengthen the Internal Quality Assurance System, FVM UNUD Held a Meeting to Match Auditor Perceptions with Auditees

A perception equalization meeting was held at White Canny, Renon on Saturday, September 9 2023. The meeting was attended by auditors of Bachelor's, PPDH and Master's study programs; Dean and deputy deans; Bachelor, PPDH, and Master Study Program Coordinators as auditees; chairman of UP3M and TPPM Bachelors, PPDH, Masters; as well as the UPIKS coordinator of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University.

On the first occasion, it started with a refresher regarding the implementation of the 2023 Internal Quality Audit (IQA) with a new look by Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS. Prof. Sadra said that at the LP3M and UP3M meeting, the chancellor emphasized that in 2024 it is hoped that all activities will be carried out using the system as an internalization process and currently the system is being prepared by USDI. The 2023 audit is a risk-based transition audit (no longer document-based). Prof. Sadra said that of course the risks for each faculty are different. The risk of each study program is measured based on the decline in accreditation to determine the quality of the auditee. Apart from that, the implementation of risk-based IQA aims to see whether the existing standards in each study program at FVM are in accordance with their implementation in the field. Prof. Sadra also added that next year it is planned that the audit process will also be carried out up to the auditee's self-evaluation report (LED).



At this meeting, Prof Sadra also emphasized that the auditor's only task was to verify the validity of documents based on the real conditions of each auditee. Even though later the auditor will also provide a value, this value is only intended for the purpose of spider graph analysis. Through this spider graph, it is hoped that it can help the auditee take corrective action. From the document audit process, field audit, and corrective action process, it is hoped that it will be paperless. Therefore, Prof. Sadra especially advised the Dean and WD1 to prepare young auditors (rejuvenation) to make the next IQA easier. These young auditors must of course be given training and Prof Sadra stated his readiness to provide training to all FVM lecturers as prospective young auditors. The refresher from Prof. Sadra closed with a statement from WD 1 which stated that there must be a unified mindset, attitude and behavior in building a quality culture. In this process, quality cannot be ignored.

The implementation of IQA will be carried out in 2 stages, namely a document audit which will be carried out from September 2 to September 15 and continued with a field audit. The audit report must be submitted by September 30 2023. So a meeting schedule between the auditor and the auditee must be immediately scheduled. Documents that need to be prepared include: complete UP3M documents; records of accreditation results; LPS and LKPS. Please prepare the self-evaluation report (LED) next year, continued Prof. Sadra.