Maintaining Solidarity, FK Unud Holds Outbound Team Building

Maintaining Solidarity, FK Unud Holds Outbound Team Building


In order to maintain solidarity and friendship between educational staff, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held an Outbound Team Building activity at the Bedugul Recreation Warung, Tabanan. (9/9/2023)


This activity, which was wrapped in a friendly and family atmosphere, was attended by the Dean and staff, the Administrative Coordinator and sub-coordinators, and all educational staff at FK Unud.

The event began with remarks by the Dean of FK Unud, Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who on this occasion advised educational staff to continue to maintain unity and solidarity to support the vision and mission of the institution.


After opening, the event continued with a group gymnastics session after which the education staff and leaders were divided into several groups to carry out competitions that honed teamwork.


The event closed with the presentation of prizes in the form of trophies to the competition winning groups and a group photo session.