Refreshment VNT Udayana 2023, “Recharge the volunteer for loving happiness in VNT”

Refreshment VNT Udayana 2023, "Recharge the volunteers for loving happiness in VNT"

Celebrating the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University, the Udayana Voluntary Nursing Team (VNT) held the 2023 VNT Refreshment which aims to maintain closeness between young members, core members and alumni, as well as increasing awareness of the natural environment.

This year's VNT Refreshment carries the theme "Recharge the volunteers for loving happiness in VNT". This activity takes the form of a camp which will be held for two days, namely from 2 to 3 September 2023 at Ojear Bali Hill (OBH), Baturiti, Tabanan. On the first day there were several exciting, rewarding games, a grill and a friendly evening. Meanwhile, on the second day, gymnastics and clean up were held.

The 2023 VNT Refreshment was attended by 52 participants. This activity was attended by the Voluntary Nursing Team Trustee, Ns. I Made Suindrayasa, S.Kep., M.Kep, Chair of the Nursing Science Student Association represented by Deputy Chair II, Komang Darma Diputra and Chair of the Voluntary Nursing Team, Ni Nyoman Candraningsih.

This activity was very exciting with lots of games and enthusiastic participants from both young members, core members and high alumni. Apart from that, participants also carried out clean up activities as a form of love for nature from the participants.