ALSA LC Unud Visit Gadjah Mada University

Author: ALSA LC UNUD | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD
Yogyakarta, - Asian Law Students' Association Local Chapter (ALSA LC) UNUD Visit Gadjah Mada University in 2023 is one of the work programs under the auspices of the External Relations Division of ALSA LC UNUD. This activity was carried out on August 17-21, 2023 in Yogyakarta. In this activity ALSA LC UNUD collaborates with ALSA LC University of Indonesia and ALSA LC Gadjah Mada University by participating in a series of events that have been prepared by 3 Local Chapters, namely: Public Lecture activities, Sharing Session, and Gala Dinner.

This year, ALSA Visit Universitas Gadjah Mada brought the theme "Find Harmony in Diversity".  This event aims to establish good relations and strengthen kinship between Local Chapters by visiting the ALSA Local Chapter. This activity began with a public lecture with the theme, "The Relationship between Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System: Criminal Justice System based on Human Rights" which began with the presentation of material by Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, S.H., LL.M. (HR), Ph.D and continued with a question and answer session for participants from 3 Local Chapters. Then the series of events continued with Sharing Session activities. This activity aims to exchange information about the management structure, work culture, signature programs, and sharing about other matters related to ALSA from each Local Chapter. After the end of the Sharing Session, the activity continued with the Gala Dinner. This activity is the closing activity of the ALSA Visit Universitas Gadjah Mada 2023 event series.