Food Technology Students, Win 2nd Place in the National Agrixplotion Essay Competition

Students from the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, won second place in the National Essay Competition entitled Agrixplotion which was organized by Sebelas Maret University (UNS). The activities carried out at Sebelas Maret University have been carried out starting in June 2023 and the winners of the competition have been announced on August 30 2023.


Under the guidance of I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP. The Food Technology Student Team consisting of Putu Cempaka Sekarhita, I Gusti Agung Bulan Mutiara Dewi and Putu Wedananta Darma Wiguna who are Class of 2022 students won second place in the Essay Competition after beating many of their competitors. The idea presented in the competition with the theme "Implementing SDGs to a Sustainable Rural Development" was "Bro Lucase" (Gluten Casein Free Brownies): Development of Healthy Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Brownies as a Snack for Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers.


One of the team representatives, I Gusti Agung Bulan Mutiara Dewi, who is familiarly called Bulan, said that she was very happy and grateful to have achieved success and become champion in the National Essay Competition. She also said that she would continue to study and take part in other competitions so that more achievements would be achieved by students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, especially Students of the Food Technology Study Program.



"Hopefully in the future this can be a trigger and lighter for other friends to take part in more similar competitions, I will also continue to try and learn so that in the future more achievements can be made," she said.