Dental Health Education and Free Dental Checkups in Demulih Village, Bangli, a Series of Celebrations for the 61st Unud Anniversary

To celebrate the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University, the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dental Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held Dental Health Promotion and Prevention (DENTIN) 2023 activities for the community, both children and adults in Demulih Village, Bangli. (02/09/2023)


DENTIN 2023 activities were carried out in 2 places, namely Banjar Tenggahan for adults and the elderly and SD Negeri 2 Demulih for children. The series of activities at Banjar Tengah consisted of free blood pressure checks, dental health counseling, free dental checks, simple extractions by volunteer doctors, and provision of free oral hygiene kits.


The series of activities at SD Negeri 2 Demulih consisted of outreach on how to prevent tooth decay, good and correct tooth brushing practices with phantom media, mini games, free dental check-ups with parental consent, and simple fillings and extractions.

The high enthusiasm of the community for taking part in this activity was seen by the number of children and adult participants reaching 100 people.


The event was opened by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Drg. Putu Lestari Sudirman, M. Biomed., and attended by the Deputy Chair of PDGI East Bali Branch, drg. I Made Supartha., Dentist in charge of Co-Ass Services, volunteer dentist, Co-Ass class of 2016 and 2017, Chair of the Dentistry Student Association, Geraldine Angelia Tanjaya, and all DENTIN 2023 committee who are pre-clinical students class of 2021 and 2022.