Unud FTP Lecturer Helps Sugar Farmers in Belimbing Village with Packaging Education

Lecturers of the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University were lined up to be resource persons in the Palm Sugar Product Packaging Development and Social Media Training activities in Belimbing Village, Pupuan District.


The activity was carried out in the Framework of the XXVII Community Empowerment Learning Community Empowerment Lecture at Udayana University (KKN-PPM Unud). Lecturer of the Food Technology Study Program, FTP Udayana University, Mr. I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP. trusted to be a resource person at the Product Packaging and Social Media Development Training Activities for Belimbing Village Typical Palm Sugar Products. This activity was attended by the Belimbing Village Headman who was represented by the Secretary of Belimbing Village Mr. Lanang Tediora and was attended by Unud Community Service Students and the Community Mainly Palm Sugar Farmers.



The activities carried out ran smoothly by providing education regarding the importance of packaging, labeling and social media in order to develop typical palm sugar products from Belimbing Village and carrying out packaging trials with typical Aren Sugar products from Belimbing Village by KKN students.