FTP Unud Lecturer Appointed as Resource Person, Teaches Processing Waste into Beauty Products

Lecturers of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University were appointed as resource persons in Belimbing Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan at the Face and Body Scrub Loading Training activity from Mangosteen Fruit Peel which was aimed at PKK women in Belimbing Village on August 27 2023.


The activity that was carried out was still within the framework of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University which was organized by the Udayana Service Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and presented Dr. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. Lecturer staff of the FTP Udayana Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program as a resource person who was received directly by Mr. I Nyoman Surianto Head of Belimbing Village, Pupuan Tabanan. The activity was carried out by providing education regarding the processing of mangosteen rind waste into beauty products such as Face and Body Scrubs which were practiced directly by PKK members of Belimbing Village.


Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. said she was pleased to be invited and to be a resource person at the face and body scrub making training activities, she also conveyed that the enthusiasm of PKK mothers and the community who attended was very high, she hoped that the training provided would be of benefit in waste treatment.


"Hopefully the community, especially PKK women in Belimbing Village, can apply the training they get, especially in processing their own waste and making it a valuable selling product with the help of simple technology," she said.