Visitation of UKMP2DG and OSCE Dentist Examination Facilities

Visitation of UKMP2DG and OSCE Dentist Examination Facilities


The Undergraduate Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Program (PSSKGPDG) carries out feasibility and readiness visitation activities in the Dentist Profession Program Student Competency Test (UKMP2DG) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Practical Test Examiner Training at the University's Dentist Education Institution (IPDG). Udayana. (30 and 31 August 2023)

This activity brought together 5 members of the National Committee for the Dentist Professional Program Student Competency Test (UKMP2DG) from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely:

1.Prof. Dr. drg. Eriska Riyanti, Sp.KGA, Subsp.AIBK (K)

2.Dr. drg. Anadina Irmagita, Sp.PM (K)

3. drg. Hayyu Failasufa, M.KM

4.Dr. drg. Indriasti Indah Wardhany, Sp.PM (K)

5. Anggit Wirasto, S.SI, M.Eng

This event was attended by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes., who in his speech said that the Faculty of Medicine as one of the institutions that has a Dentistry Study Program is obliged to take part in UKMP2DG by students of the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Programs.

"We hope that the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University can have a place for OSCE exams and CBT exams that are suitable for Dentistry and ask for as many inputs as possible so that we can get eligibility to be a place for OSCE and UKMP2DG exams." he said.

The main agenda for the visitation activities carried out over these 2 days is:

1. Visit to see the readiness of the OSCE room and CBT Center infrastructure

2. As a resource person in Practical Test Examiner Training (OSCE)

This visitation activity was also attended by the PSSKGPDG Coordinator, Dr. drg. Lestari Sudirman, M.Biomed, Head of the Dental and Oral Department, drg. Mia Ayustina Prasetya, Sp.KGA., as well as lecturer staff within the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Program (PSSKGPDG).