"The Oasis" won the Best Of Studio 2023 National Competition

A team of students from the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, consisting of Pande Kade Tabah Dewantara and I Made Yudha Ariawan, won an achievement in the National Architectural Design Competition "Eco-Logical Student Living Space" at Unika Soegijapranata Semarang. With the work title "The Oasis," this team won 1st place in the competition which was attended by 200 participants from various universities throughout Indonesia.



The work "The Oasis" has a focus on building residential spaces that are environmentally friendly and have an ecological concept. The Oasis designs housing that supports better environmental sustainability. Two team members, namely Pande Kade Tabah Dewantara and I Made Yudha Ariawan, certainly have extraordinary talent and knowledge in the field of architecture, and their victory is proof of their dedication and hard work.




In addition, Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, S.T., M.T., MURP, Ph.D., who was their supervisor, also played an important role in helping the team achieve this achievement. Support and guidance from lecturers is very important in student success in achieving achievements. This achievement not only appreciates the team's efforts, but also reflects the quality of education and the emphasis on innovation and sustainability in the Architecture Study Program at Udayana University. Hopefully this achievement will become an inspiration for other students and encourage further development in the field of environmentally friendly architectural design in Indonesia.