Architecture Study Program students win in the SAN X LKTI scientific writing competition

The achievement achieved by students of the Architecture study program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University in the SAN X LKTI scientific writing competition "Prosperity or Survival?: Preventing World Destruction through Architecture" at Petra Christian University Surabaya is an extraordinary achievement. This competition involved participants from various universities in Indonesia and was attended by 21 teams. In the event, the team consisting of Ni Komang Ayu Gita Prasasti, I Gede Cahya Adi Nugraha, and Ketut Karni won 1st place with the work title "Stakeholders (Environmentally Friendly Panel): Solutions to Reducing Plastic Waste, Coconut Fiber Waste, and Charcoal Abuse" Wood."



This achievement is of course the result of hard work and collaboration between these students under the guidance of Ir. Gede Windu Laskara, S.T., M.T. The choice of topics that are relevant to environmental issues and sustainable solutions through the field of Architecture also shows their concern for global challenges and the role that their profession can play in preventing environmental damage.


This success also shows the quality of education at Udayana University and the commitment of students and lecturers in making positive contributions in their fields. Hopefully this achievement can inspire more people to get involved in finding innovative solutions in protecting the environment and the world as a whole.