Implementation of Matriculation of Postgraduate Study Program FH UNUD in 2023

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - FH UNUD held matriculation for Postgraduate Study Program students under the FH UNUD environment (Master of Law Study Program, Master of Kenotariatan and Doctor of Law Science) starting from 22 - 24 August 2023. 

The opening of matriculation activities took place in the Hall of FH UNUD Denpasar Campus which was attended directly by the Dean, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean II, Koprodi Master of Law Science (MIH), Koprodi Master of Kenotariatan (MKN) and Koprodi Doktor Ilmu Hukum (DIH) as well as providing briefings and an overview of the institutional and educational system at FH UNUD. The first day of matriculation was attended by all students of MIH, MKN and DIH FH UNUD. The second and third day of matriculation, students will be grouped according to their respective study programs so that the material will be provided by homebase lecturers.