Physical Therapy Social External Activities (Kinesio) XII 2023 Udayana University Physiotherapy Student Association

In order to create concrete actions to increase public understanding of the importance of maintaining healthy body functions and movements which are carried out as a preventive measure for various disorders of body functions and movements, the Physiotherapy Student Association of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University organizes community service through External Social Physiotherapy Activities (Kinesio) XII 2023 at Banjar Sema, Bitera Village, Gianyar Regency. (20/08/2023)


This year's Kinesio carries the theme "Increase Confidence and Quality of Life with Better Posture". This activity provides free health services for the community in Banjar Sema in collaboration with the Gianyar 2 Health Center, where this activity directly involves volunteers as material deliverers and involves professional students as health service providers directly monitored by physiotherapy lecturers. Apart from that, Kinesio XII 2023 also distributes assistance to several residents in need through the provision of basic necessities. At the end of the event, this activity also gave certificates to volunteers and placards for Bitera Village.


Kinesio XII 2023 was attended by the Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes., Head of the Gianyar Regency Health Office who on this occasion was represented by the Secretary of the Gianyar Regency Health Service, dr. Made Arisani, Head of the Gianyar II Health Center, dr. Pande Putu Irma Yustini, Head of Banjar Sema, Bitera Village, I Wayan Agus Sudarmawan, Deputy Chair of the Student Executive Board of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, Mira Amba Grace Wrycza, Head of the Physiotherapy Student Association of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine, Ni Made Dwi Cahyani, as well as all lecturers and educational staff of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.


Dr. Wiwiek in his remarks expressed his appreciation for the Kinesio XII 2023 activity and hoped that this activity would be able to increase public knowledge regarding the health of movement and body function so that they can maintain good posture by exercising diligently.