Faculty of Law UNUD Holds Judicium Period August 2023

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Thursday (10/08/2023) Judicium for the August 2023 period was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law UNUD Denpasar Campus. The Yudisium was opened directly by the Dean of FH UNUD, attended by the Vice Deans, Koprodi, Head of Administration, Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit, Student Affairs Coordinator, Academic Sub-Coordinator, prospective graduates and several representatives of parents of prospective graduates.

Judicium period August 2023 was attended by 131 prospective graduates consisting of 1 graduate of S3 (Doctoral) Law Study Program, 21 graduates of S2 (Master) Law Study Program, 21 graduates of S2 (Master) Kenotariatan Study Program and 88 graduates of S1 (Bachelor) Law Study Program. 

The best graduate of S3 (Doctoral) Law Study Program was achieved by Dr. I Ketut Suartha, S.H., M.H, the best graduate of S2 (Master) Law Study Program on behalf of I Gede Druvananda Abhiseka, S.H., M.H., from S2 (Master) Kenotariatan Study Program the best graduate was achieved by I.G.A. Ayu Astri Nadia Swari, S.H., M.Kn and there were 10 best graduates from S1 (Bachelor) Law Study Program. Ni Putu Nanda Kebayan Sari, S.H. was the first best graduate in the S1 (Bachelor) of Law Study Program.