Importance of Life Support to Link Medical Care, Living and Community Symposium

Importance of Life Support to Link Medical Care, Living and Community Symposium


Udayana University Faculty of Medicine (FK Unud) together with Kobe University of Future and Health Science and Kobe Woman's University held a Visiting Lecture and Importance of Life Support to Link Medical Care, Living and Community Symposium in a hybrid manner with the main location point in the Dr. A A. Made Djelantik, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Building, Denpasar. (7/8/2023)

The purpose of holding this event is to provide new insights about the importance of Life Support to support medical, life and community care.

Through this activity, students and lecturers will be able to gain new knowledge and experience from experts and practitioners from Japan and Indonesia. Thus, it is hoped that students and lecturers will be more prepared and competent in dealing with the latest scientific developments in the health sector.

The event began with remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who also officially opened the event.

After opening, the event continued with a scientific session guided by Ns. Putu Ayu Emmy Savitri Karin, S.Kep, MNS., as the moderator.


The scientific session was filled by 8 speakers namely:

1. Hiroko Honda, Ph.D with the topic "Team Orange Dementia Cafes in Japan"

2. Prof. Emeritus. Naemi Kajiwara, Ph.D with the topic "Importance of Protein Nutrition in Elderly"

3. Dr. dr. R.A. Tuty Kuswardhani, Sp.PD-KGer., FINASIM with the topic "Correlation between Vitamin D Serum and Hypertension in Elderly Patients in Prof. Ngurah Hospital"

4. Made Diah Lestari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D with the topic "Constructions of older people's identities in Indonesian regional aging policies: the impacts on micro and macro experiences of aging"

5. Prof. Taeko Izumi, Ph.D with the topic "Examining Tetsuya Kono's Phenomenology of Boundaries"

6. Associate. Prof. Kinuyo Matsumoto with the topic "Importance of Preventing Disuse Syndrome in the Elderly"

7. Associate. Prof. Ai Kimura with the topic "How to understand living and difficulties (disabilities) in living"

8. Made Hendra Satria Nugraha., S.Ft., Ftr., M.Fis with the topic "Balance Exercises for Older Adults – A Literature Review"