Udayana Mengabdi FH UNUD Team Conducts Community Service and KKN Program in Belega Village

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Gianyar, FLUNUD.ac.id - The Udayana Mengabdi Program has been carried out which is also a legal, social and cultural work program from the implementation of KKN PPM XXVII Period 2023 in Belega Village, Gianyar Regency on Saturday (29/07/2023). 

On this occasion, the Service Team conducted socialization and structuring of village padruwen (property) of traditional villages, especially regarding the preparation of Pararem on Baga Utsaha Padruwen Desa so as to provide legal certainty for Belega Traditional Village. The head of the service team as well as KKN Field Supervisor, Dr. I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari, S.H., M.Kn (Lecturer at Lab / Section of Law and Society FH UNUD) explained the purpose of the service to provide knowledge about the importance of structuring village padruwen as well as providing assistance in preparing Pararem legal products.

The activity involved a service team of 4 students in the Master of Law Study Program (S2) FH UNUD and 16 KKN students from various study programs and faculties at Udayana University. As for the Belega Traditional Village, it was attended by Bendesa (Ida Bagus Made Sujana), Prajuru, Angga Sabha and Krama of the local traditional village totaling 70 people. The program received appreciation from prajuru and krama who actively dialogued in the discussion session. This similar activity is part of the downstreaming of research which from year to year is carried out through the service grant scheme of the UNUD Research and Service Institute (LPPM).