FK Unud Provides Education Regarding Corneal Donors to Health Workers

FK Unud Provides Education Regarding Corneal Donors to Health Workers

The limited availability of donor corneas in Indonesia, especially in Bali, has resulted in a buildup of queues of patients who require corneal transplants. Up-to-date knowledge about corneal anatomy and physiology, pathogenesis of corneal problems, as well as cornea donors and eye banks by clinicians in health services is one of the efforts to increase understanding of corneal donors in combating corneal blindness.

In order to increase the latest knowledge on this matter, the Ophthalmology Specialist Study Program and the Bali Eye Bank are collaborating to hold an Educational Seminar on Corneal Donors for Health Workers, on Saturday, August 5 2023 which took place in the Prof. Room. dr. I. G. N. G Ngoerah FK Udayana University, Denpasar Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Building.

Guided by dr. Putu Dian Megasafitri, Sp.M as the moderator, there were 4 main topics which were the topics of discussion at this seminar including;

1. Cornea Donor presented by Dr. dr. A.A Mas Putrawati Triningrat, Sp.M(K),

2. Health Service Ethics delivered by Dr. dr. Putu Yuliwati, Sp.M(K).

3. Anatomy and Physiology of the Cornea and its Diseases delivered by dr. IGAM Juliari, Sp.M(K)

4. Eye Bank and Governance presented by dr. Siska, Sp.M(K), M Kes as chairman of the committee for this seminar.

This activity is aimed at targeting health workers (specialists, general practitioners, nurses, midwives) working in the Province of Bali, whether owned by the government, private or independent practice spread throughout the Province of Bali with a total of 58 participants.

This event was attended and opened by dr. Wayan Gede Jayanegara, Sp.M(K), as General Chair of the Bali Eye Bank. It is hoped that this activity can increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of both clinicians and the public in terms of corneal donors. In addition, this activity is an opening way for future corneal excision training activities. So that it can increase the availability of donor corneas in fighting corneal blindness in Indonesia and especially in Bali.