Cakap Sehat Mini Talk Show 2023 Physiotherapy Student Association

In order to introduce physiotherapy to the wider community, the Udayana University Physiotherapy Student Association is holding a Cakap Sehat 2023 Mini Talkshow online. (30/07/2023)


This year's Mini Talkshow carries the theme "Find Out More About Physiotherapy and How to Introduce It". This activity discussed two materials, namely "Use of Social Media to Disseminate Physiotherapy Health Information" presented by Komang Ayu Trisnadewi, S.Ft., Ftr. a Content Creator on the Youtube Platform and the second material on "Find Out More About Physiotherapy and How to Introduce It" by Sulfandi, S.Ft., Physio.,M. Fis., AIFO., Ph.D.PT, a Master of Sport Physiology in Physiotherapy Concentration.


The Cakap Sehat 2023 Mini Talkshow was attended by 244 participants consisting of students and the general public. This activity was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., Coordinator of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession FK UNUD, Dr.dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, S.Ked., M.Kes, Head of BEM FK UNUD represented by Aldi Aryana as Head of the Department of Production, Funds and Business, and Chair of HM Physiotherapy, Ni Made Dwi Cahyani.


Prof. Ady in his remarks expressed his appreciation for the Cakap Sehat 2023 Mini Talkshow activity, and hoped that this Mini Talkshow activity could help prospective physiotherapists with the materials provided.


In addition to providing interesting material and of course very helpful for young physiotherapist candidates, in this activity several entertainment and games were held which strengthened the bonds between participants and closed by handing over a certificate to the speaker and moderator as a sign of appreciation for the material.