Closing of Legal Socialization and Assisted Village in Bona Village: FH UNUD students succeeded in recording some Intellectual Property

Author: Soshum Team & Assisted Village Bona Year 2023 | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Gianyar, - BEM FH UNUD, FH UNUD Students Assisted Villages in Bona Village, Gianyar Regency and Bala Yowana Bona collaborated to organize the Closing of Legal Socialization and Assisted Village "Bona Art Festival" on Friday (21/07/2023) at Wantilan Pura Puseh Desa Bona. 

In accordance with the initial objectives since the opening of the legal socialization and the assisted village of Bona in 2023, namely enforcing the protection of intellectual property from the work of individuals or communities in Bona Village, at this closing activity, FH UNUD students under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, S.H., M.Hum, LLM and Putu Aras Samsithawrati, S.H., LLM have successfully recorded 20 personal Copyright Works and 1 Traditional Cultural Expression "Cak Bona Dance."

Dr. I Ketut Mudana, SH, MBA. as the first assistant to the Regent of Gianyar who in his speech validated this activity is an activity that raises the potential of Bona Village to the public, "This activity is a concrete manifestation to introduce the culture of Bona Village to the wider community."

The parties who attended this activity were the Dean of FH UNUD and his staff, Dr. I Ketut Murdana, S.H., M.H. (Assistant I Regent of Gianyar), I Gusti Nyoman Yasa, S.Pd., M.Fis. (Deputy Commission IV of Gianyar Regional House of Representatives), Ngurah Satria Wardana, S.H., M.H. (Head of Law and Human Rights Section, Legal Bureau of Bali Provincial Secretariat), Alexander Palti, S.H., M.H. (Head of Legal and Human Rights Services Division, Regional Office of Bali), Dr. Raka Armaja, S.E., M.MA. (Head of Innovation Development and Intellectual Property Management of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Bali Province), Drs. I Ketut Sedana, MAP. (Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Gianyar Regency), I Wayan Sila, S.S (Head of History and Tradition of Gianyar Regency Culture Office), I Wayan Gede Eka Putra, S.STP. (Blahbatuh Sub-District Head), I Gusti Ngurah Susila (Perbekel Desa Bona), Bona Village Apparatus, Principal of SD N Hindu 1 Bona, Principal of SDN 3 Bona, FH UNUD Udayana Student Organization and all UNUD Ormawa.