PTBMMKI 2023 XXI National Conference and XXVII PTBMMKI National Jamboree

The Janar Duta Medical Assistance Team (TBM), Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University hosted the XXI National Conference and XXVII National Jamboree of the Association of Indonesian Medical Student Medical Assistance Teams (PTBMMKI) 2023. The XXI National Conference is the highest deliberation activity within the PTBMMKI organization. This activity included reading the PTBMMKI management accountability report for 2022/2023, regional commission meetings, selecting and validating the new PTBMMKI General Chair, to selecting the host for the 2024 MUNAS and JAMNAS PTBMMKI. The XXI National Conference this time was held on July 27-29 2023 at at Mahajaya Agung Hotel and Convention Center, Jalan Cokroaminoto No.63, Ubung, North Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali.


Meanwhile, the XXVII National Jamboree takes the theme of water rescue, namely evacuation of medical emergencies in waters, where this activity will collaborate with the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) as the presenter. This activity includes camping, disaster management, water rescue, then closed with a city tour and a visit to the Bali souvenir center. The XXVII National Jamboree will be held on 30-31 July 2023 at Gunung Payung Beach, Badung.


The opening of the XXI National Conference and XXVII PTBMMKI 2023 National Jamboree was opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU. and was attended by various invitees including the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., TBM Advisor Janar Dūta, dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara, M.Biomed, Sp.And., General Chairperson of PTBMMKI 2022/2023 who was present online, PTBMMKI DPO, BEM Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, and TBM Janar Duta.


On this occasion, the Chancellor Prof. Antara expressed his support for organizing the event and hoped that through this event the best talents would emerge to advance the organization.

"So we really support this activity, I hope that the National Conference and Jamnas will run smoothly. Of course we hope that through this activity, the best people in this organization will emerge and be selected. Once again, thank you for holding the National Conference and Jamnas in Bali and I hope this activity can be provide maximum benefits for UNUD students and all participants who are present in accordance with the objectives of the activity," he said.


Meanwhile, Deputy Dean III of FK Unud, Prof. In his speech, Ady expressed his hope that this event could become a means to convey aspirations that could inspire fellow TBMs and advised them to always maintain safety during jamboree activities.


"I hope that this national meeting will run smoothly, as a student there will definitely be dynamics and there will definitely be differences, please speak up and hopefully it can provide inspiration for other tbm units. For jamboree activities that have been well prepared, do it very well and always be alert because activities in nature and are quite risky. TBM can carry out insurance for activities carried out, as a health person who understands risks there should be a budget for insurance activities such as activities that are risky in nature. We hope that this activity will run smoothly. It is an extraordinary activity to introduce Bali, the university and FK Udayana, I hope there are good things that can be remembered in each TBM unit from this activity," he said while concluding his remarks.