Making History, Aswin Parisya Brings Udayana to Win the 2nd National PILMAPRES Champion for the First Time

Making History, Aswin Parisya Brings Udayana to Win the 2nd National PILMAPRES Champion for the First Time

Udayana University Faculty of Medicine students are proud again. This time, I Gede Aswin Parisya Sasmana, a student of the 2020 Undergraduate Medical Study Program, brought good news from Makassar, as the first student from Bangli to represent Udayana University in the final round of the National Student Achievement Selection (PILMAPRES) as well as being the first Udayana University student to win the Champion of Hope. 2 at the event. This achievement is an extraordinary honor because Aswin Parisya is included in the top 5 (five) most outstanding students throughout Indonesia.

Aswin Parisya has been intensively guided by Dr. dr. Urged Made Wihandani, M.Kes with the team and also guided by the Udayana University Student Achievement Center (Puspresma) team for several months before participating in the National Pilmapres activities which were held at Hasanuddin University, Makassar on 24-28 July 2023.

Aswin succeeded in excelling through the assessment of English, Excellent Achievements - Self Description, and Scientific Work "Detection and Management of Cancer through Blood Tests". Hopefully this achievement can continue to be improved and this achievement will be a good positive encouragement to maintain the consistency of Udayana University in competing with other big universities.