Volunteer Team and Psychology Student Association of FK Udayana Provide Education About Disaster Evacuation

Volunteer Team and Psychology Student Association of FK Udayana Provide Education About Disaster Evacuation

As a form of social care for the community, the Psychology Volunteer Team, namely PeKa (Care for You) carries out community service activities targeting the younger generation. The series of community service events began with a visit to SD Negeri 2 Kedewatan and SMP Negeri 2 Blahbatuh.(26/7/2023)

The purpose of this activity is to educate elementary, middle and high school students in Bali about disaster evacuation procedures, education about Psychological First Aid, and education about emotion regulation.

The activity at SMP Negeri 2 Blahbatuh was attended by volunteers from the Psychology Volunteer Team and opened directly by the Principal of SMP Negeri 2 Blahbatuh, I Nyoman Gama. Meanwhile, at Kedewatan 2 Public Elementary School the implementation of the activity was in collaboration with the Psychology Student Association (HM). On this occasion the elementary school children were given material on learning motivation and simple disaster evacuation procedures using songs that are easy for children to memorize, which were sung by Ms. B. Primandini Yunanda Harumi, S.Psi., M.Psi., as the representative supervisor of HM Psychology.

In addition to providing material, this activity is also equipped with a simulation so that students can practice it directly. The activity was closed by handing over the disaster module symbolically and handing over prizes to the most active participants during the activity.