Specialist Study Program in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Celebrates 32nd Anniversary with Social Service

Specialist Study Program in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Celebrates 32nd Anniversary with Social Service

As a series of celebrations for the 32nd Anniversary (HUT), the Specialist Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held Community Service (PKM) activities which were a collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, the Payangan Health Center and Payangan Hospital. This activity was carried out in the form of counseling, colon cancer screening and breast cancer for people in the Payangan sub-district, Gianyar. (22/07/2023)

As many as 200 participants attended with great enthusiasm following the counseling activities, as many as 20 participants attended for breast cancer screening, and 5 participants for colon cancer screening. It is hoped that after counseling and screening is carried out, people's knowledge and concern about colon cancer and breast cancer can be better.

The lecture was presented by dr. I.G.A.B. Krisna Wibawa, Sp.B., Subsp.BVE(K)., with the topic "Varicose veins, how to prevent and how to treat them at an early stage". Furthermore, the second topic was explained by dr. I Ketut Wiargitha, Sp.B(K)Trauma., with the topic "Initial Management of a Disaster". These two topics are expected to provide additional knowledge for the Payangan community regarding health.

The social service carried out is one of a series of activities for the 32nd Anniversary of the Surgery Study Program, which was held from July to the peak of the event on August 17 2023, which was divided into online and offline seminars, counseling, social service activities, sports tournaments and anniversary celebrations.

Head of the Payangan Health Center, dr. Made Arisani, Director of Payangan General Hospital, dr. I Gusti Ngurah Gede Putra, S. Ked, M.Sc, and representatives from the Gianyar Regency Regent who was represented by the regent's secretary, welcomed the arrival of the Unud Faculty of Medicine Team. On this occasion, the Dean of FK Unud, represented by dr. Agus Eka Darwinata, S.Ked., Ph.D., as the Coordinator of the UP2M FK Unud said that social service activities are a form of practicing the Tridarma of higher education.

"It is hoped that through this activity, it can bring the community closer and at the same time disseminate colon and breast cancer screening to the general public, and can increase public awareness of the importance of early detection in cancer cure rates." he said.

This activity was also attended by the Coordinator of the Study Program Specialist in Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Dr. I Made Mulyawan, Sp. B, Subsp.BD (K)., Coordinator of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Specialist Study Program, Prof. Dr. Dr. Tjokorda Gde Agung Senapathi, Sp. An., KAR., Head of the Payangan District Police, AKP I Nengah Sona, SH., and Commander of the Payangan District Military Rayon, Captain. inf. I Wayan Sudana.