Fapet Udayana University and MINITUBE Collaborate to Hold a Workshop on Maximizing Boar Cement Quality

Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud cooperates with Minitube Indonesia by holding a Workshop on Maximizing Boar Semen Quality, held on Friday, 21 July 2023. Located at the AE Building Floor 1, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, at 8.00 WITA. This event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, MS., IPU., ASEAN Eng. and was also attended by Deputy Deans, Minitube Indonesia Team, and workshop participants.

In his remarks the Director of PT. Minitube Indonesia Zulkifli Harahap, SE expressed his gratitude for holding this workshop. Where the event of this workshop took the topic: "An In-depth Workshop on Hygiene, Analysis, and Extender Selection". by presenting 2 resource persons including Material 1. Importance of hygiene in boar semen production and Choice of extender to optimize boar sperm production by Mr. Rudolf Großfeld, Ph.D; Material 2. Cement analysis and PCAI, technique, advantages, and disadvantages by Mr. Xavier Carranza moderated by Dr. Drh. Taufiq Purna Nugraha. After finishing the presentation of the material, it was continued with practice in the stables and the Animal Reproduction Laboratory, coordinated by Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Gde Sumardani, S.Pt., M.Sc. At the end of the event, certificates were handed out to the workshop participants.