Excursion Study of MIH FH UNUD Study Program to MIH UNPAD Study Program

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Bandung, FLUNUD.ac.id - The FH UNUD Master (S2) Law Study Program team consisting of Koprodi S2 Master of Law Science (MIH), Koprodi S1, Chairperson and FIBAA Task Force Team, sub-coordinator of the academic section, education staff and MIH FH UNUD students conducted an excursion study to MIH FH Padjajaran University (UNPAD) Bandung on Friday (07/14/2023). The group was received directly in the meeting room of the UNPAD Master of Kenotariatan building by the Dean of FH UNPAD (Dr. Idris, S.H., M.A.), Koprodi MIH FH UNPAD (Prof. Huala Adolf, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D), Secretary of MIH FH UNPAD (Dr. Erika Magdalena Chandra, S.H., M.H.) and Manager of Research, Innovation and Cooperation FH UNPAD (Dr. Laina Rafianti, S.H., M.H.).

The excursion study began with the opening by the Dean of FH UNPAD, followed by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Fh UNUD and FH UNPAD, presentation of material from the Secretary of MIH Study Program FH UNPAD and sharing information and experiences of MIH Study Program FH UNPAD in managing and obtaining international accreditation FIBAA.

Prodi MIH UNPAD began implementing a system of 3 semesters (1.5 years) and a maximum of 6 semesters (3 years) for student study time. And offers 10 specializations offered to students (State Administration Law, Business Law, International Business Law, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Health Law, Environmental and Spatial Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law).

3 Prodi FH UNPAD: S1, MIH and S3 Doctor of Law Science have been internationally accredited by FIBAA. A lot of information ranging from preparation, preparation of Self Evaluation Report (SER) documents, field assessments, the use of interpreters and the active role of leaders to respond to questions from FIBAA assessors. As one of the implementation of cooperation between FH UNUD and FH UNPAD, there will be supervision from FH UNPAD for the preparation of FIBAA field assessment.