Main Event of the 17th Anniversary of PSSKPPN FK Unud.

Main Event of the 17th Anniversary of PSSKPPN FK Unud.

In the context of the 17th Anniversary of the Undergraduate Nursing and Professional Nurse Study Program (PSSKPPN) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, PSSKPPN held the anniversary peak which took place at Living World Denpasar. (15/07/2023)

The series of events for the 17th anniversary of PSSKPPN included holding several competitions, talk shows and ropes of love. The 17th Anniversary event this time carries the theme "Zestasia Se Armonia".

The purpose of holding this event is to foster a sense of kinship and warmth based on a sense of harmony with the hope that it can make PSSKPPN strong in maintaining existing histories from time to time and to develop new innovations every year.

The event was opened directly by the Dean of FK Unud Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, who on this occasion conveyed a happy birthday to the PSSKPPN Study Program, wish him more success.

The event was attended by the founders of the Undergraduate Nursing and Professional Nurses Study Program (PSSKPPN), the dean, the undergraduate coordinators at FK Unud, alumni, and the academic community of PSSKPPN FK Unud.