International Accreditation (ASIIN) Task Forces Team, Coordinator of Master Programmes in Faculty of Engineering, and UP3M Unit involve International Division conducted an external benchmarking to Yogyakarta State University on Wednesday, 2023, 12th July and Diponegoro University on Thursday, 2023 13rd July. The objective of this visitation is to learn about preparation and strategy facing the international accreditation ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur fur Studiengange der Ingeneurwissenschaften und der Mathematik) for Master Programmes around the Faculty. 



On the first day visitation, FT Unud team was warmly welcomed by the ASIIN Team of Faculty of Engineering UNY and attended by both the Dean, Mr Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. Besides that, Head of Department of Electronica Education, Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Unit and the Secretary, Coordinator of Master Program in Electronica and Informatica, Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering and International and Collaboration Division, FT UNY were also welcomed the Faculty of Engineering Unud. 

On the second day, Undip received FT Unud arrival in the FT Theatre Room, on 4th Floor. The visitation was attended by the Dean and Vice Dean for Planning and Academic Affairs, Head of Department and Coordinator of the Civil and Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning.



UNY Engineering Faculty have achieved International Accreditation ASIIN for their 4 Programmes, namely the Bachelor of Electronica and Informatica Engineering, the Master Program in Electronica and Informatica Education Engineering, the Master Program in Electronica Education Engineering, and the Master Program in Mechanical Education Engineering.

Meanwhile, Diponegoro University has achieved accreditation for 5 Study Programs, namely Bachelor and Master Program in Architecture, Bachelor and Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning, and Doctoral Program in Architecture and Urban Sciences.

Benchmarking activities started with welcome speech by the Dean and next introduction about FT Unud by Vice Dean I for Academic and Planning. Furthermore, it was discussed about preparation and strategies for submitting the accreditation documents. The last activity was ended by discussion stage. Faculty of Engineering is currently preparing the submission for next year. For this purpose, FT Unud will propose 5 programmes; Master Program in Architecture, Master Program in Mechanical Engineering, Master Program in Civil Engineering, Master Program in Electronica, and the Doctoral Program in Engineering Science.