Students of Kenotariatan Master Program FH UNUD Campus Visit to Kenotariatan Master Program FH UNPAD

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Bandung, - There has been a Campus Visit or Excursion Study of Master of Kenotariatan (MKN) FH UNUD students to the MKN FH UNPAD campus on Friday (07/07/2023). The group of MKN FH UNUD Study Program was received at the FH UNPAD Building. The activity began with a speech by the Chairperson of the UNPAD Kenotariatan Association (Yoas Panggawa Silitonga, S.H.), followed by the delivery of remarks by Koprodi MKN FH UNUD (Prof. Dr. Made Subawa, S.H., M.S.), remarks by Koprodi MKn Unpad (Dr. Anita Afriana, S.H., M.H.), and giving the last speech while opening the activity by the Dean of FH UNPAD (Dr. Idris, S.H., M.A.).


In this excursion study activity, the material was presented by Dr. Indra Prayitno, S.H., MKn. (Lecturer of Master of Kenotariatan) regarding the Notary and PPAT Deed Laboratory, Notary and PPAT Offices, Legal Counseling Bureau of Kenotariatan and Ke-PPAT-an, and then continued by the second speaker by Eric David Perdana, S.H., MKn. (PPAT in Sumedang, West Java) who explained how important the implementation of the MKN laboratory at FH UNPAD is, especially providing benefits to students who will graduate and also become a requirement before taking a thesis exam.


Many things were obtained by the MKN FH UNUD Study Program from the excursion study, such as efforts to develop and build the MKN Laboratory to be designed with a focus on providing provisions to prospective graduates related to the practice of becoming a Notary / PPAT as they will face in the world of work later. And for MKN FH UNUD students, they can exchange information and knowledge about the development of notarial science with MKN FH UNPAD students.