To Increase Student Creativity and Innovation, BSO SdE Holds PKM Training Workshop
Denpasar, Press Bureau of BEM FEB Unud - Semi-autonomous Body Societe de Equilibrium Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (BSO SdE FEB Unud) has held the 2023 Societe de Equilibrium Workshop (WSDE) which lasted for two days, namely on Saturday (10/06) and Sunday (11/06) online through Cisco Webex Meetings. The theme carried out at this year's WSDE is "Realizing Change through Creation and Innovation of Student Creativity Programs" which focuses on providing information and knowledge to FEB Unud students related to PKM, arousing student interest and creativity in writing PKM. This WSDE activity was attended by 20 teams with 59 participants, consisting of the 2022 batch of 56 participants and the 2020 batch of 3 participants.
The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a forum established by the Directorate of Student Affairs and Studies under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) of the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate Indonesian students to learn and develop and apply science and technology learned during lectures to the wider community. Student creativity and innovation are very important to be honed in order to explore the potential in expressing creative ideas through making PKM. BSO SdE, as an institution engaged in the scientific field within the Faculty of Economics and Business, provides a forum for FEB Unud students in the form of implementing SdE Workshop activities to provide knowledge and training on how to make good and correct PKM.
Every year, SdE workshop activities have their own characteristics, from the speakers to the material discussed. In contrast to 2022, this year the material discussed consists of eight of the ten PKM fields, while the previous year only discussed two PKM fields. The eight PKMs include PKM Community Service (PKM-PM), PKM Scientific Application (PKM-PI), PKM Scientific Articles (PKM-AI), PKM Video Constructive Ideas (PKM-VGK), PKM Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), PKM Written Ideas (PKM-GT), PKM Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC), and PKM Innovative Works (PKM-KI).
The first day of WSDE began with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, who this year was represented by Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih as the BSO SdE Supervisor, as well as officially opening the event. Reni Suasih in her speech emphasized that the output of WSDE can increase the quantity and quality of student PKM proposals at FEB Unud. If it is of high quality, she believes that in the next period there will be more FEB Unud student proposals that can qualify for funding through the PKM scheme or at least pass the first stage selection at the university. After that, the event continued with the presentation of material by four speakers which were divided into four sessions and there were two sessions in one day. The speaker in the first session was Novirene Tania who delivered material related to PKM-PM and PKM-PI. Then, the second session continued with material on PKM-AI and PKM-VGK by Agus Wibowo. The material presentation continued on the second day, namely the third session by Pradhikta Naufal Irfanda with PKM-K and PKM-GT material. Furthermore, the last speaker, in the fourth session, delivered material on PKM-KC and PKM-KI by Agung Adi Firdaus.
PKM is one of the prestigious competitions that is in great demand and followed by all students in Indonesia to compete with each other to test their creativity and innovation in written works. The bonus is that the best work will be funded by the Higher Education. In line with this, I Made Narendra Satria as the Chairman of the WSDE Committee in his speech revealed that every university or faculty throughout Indonesia is currently intensifying PKM which is aimed at increasing student creativity and innovation. Therefore, BSO SdE FEB Unud facilitates by organizing WSDE activities. Likewise, Reni Suasih emphasized that FEB Unud students should be able to improve their achievements, both in academic and non-academic fields, especially in competitions that are officially recognized by Belmawa and make the best use of the opportunity to gain a variety of knowledge to be implemented in making PKM.
All efforts were made by BSO SdE and the entire organizing committee who have exerted their energy and ability to prepare this event to the fullest. However, despite this, the number of WSDE participants has not been able to reach its target of 45 proposals while only 20 proposals from 20 teams have been collected. This needs to be an important evaluation, so that in the future the target participants can be met. With the existing limitations, this WSDE was successfully organized successfully and smoothly. Narendra Satria also revealed the reason why WSDE was held online. "The event was held online because in addition to reducing costs, we also used speakers from outside Bali," he said. "This workshop activity was prepared for approximately 2 months, although with a short time, the most visible obstacle was the inadequate connection signal. However, these obstacles did not hinder the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the activity, which can be shown through the liveliness of the participants who asked questions during the discussion session," he added.
In addition to the enthusiasm of the participants, the WSDE event is also very important to be held, considering the impact that can not only be enjoyed at this time, but sustainably so that it can continue to make FEB proud in the future. In addition, this can be used as a motivation for students to continue to hone their creativity in a competition and compete with other students in the national and international arena. The Chairperson of BSO SdE, Putu Risma Yuliana also revealed that this activity is important to increase the knowledge of FEB Unud students related to PKM writing in accordance with their respective fields, and avoid mistakes that might be made when compiling the contents of a PKM. She hopes that the knowledge instilled in students can be realized and passed on to qualify for PIMNAS and can be useful in solving problems in society.
Through the implementation of WSDE activities, it is hoped that it can provide motivation for FEB students to continue to hone their creativity. Asa as well as the first approach given in Reni Suasih's speech representing FEB Unud's hope for all students to be able to continue to improve achievements, both in academic and non-academic fields. Risma Yuliana when interviewed online also expressed her hope. "I hope that with this activity, it can help students face problems in preparing PKM and can improve the PKM output they produce so that PKM can become quality work," she said. (oct/snt/mty/ang/)