Guest Lecture from Adelaide University, Australia

In order to increase knowledge, gain the latest knowledge, and learn about problems in the field of psychology, the Undergraduate Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with Adelaide University held a Guest Lecture which took place in Dr. A. A. Made Djelantik, FK Udayana University, Denpasar (5/6/2023)


With the theme "Environmental Psychology and Cross-Cultural Communication", this guest lecture presented two speakers from Adelaide University, namely Prof. Deborah Turnbull and Dr. Natasha van Antwerp


The purpose of holding this event is as a means of sharing knowledge and information regarding the latest developments in the field of psychology, especially in the fields of mental health, environmental psychology and cross-cultural communication.


The event was opened directly by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K), who on this occasion said that the topic in this webinar is a very interesting topic to talk about plus the speaker present is a practitioner who can share his knowledge directly based on cases in the field .


"We hope that FK Unud will have many international collaborations to support the internationalization of our institution. For the psychology program, we hope that in the future there will be a summer program like what has been running in other study programs, therefore we hope this collaboration with Adelaide University will not stop here. and could continue in other forms of collaboration." he said


After it was opened, the event continued with a presentation by the speaker which was continued with a discussion session which was also attended by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Psychology Study Program, Dr. Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, S.Psi., M.Erg., and all participants from lecturers and students who attended this occasion.