PIAAM XXIII Comes Back, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Consistently Provides Anti-Aging Medicine Education for Doctors in Indonesia

PIAAM XXIII Comes Back, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Consistently Provides Anti-Aging Medicine Education for Doctors in Indonesia


The Center for the Study of Anti-Aging Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a basic level of Intensive Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (PIAAM), which this time has entered its twenty-third batch.


This program is organized to meet the demands of medical colleagues who need knowledge and practical skills from competent institutions. On this occasion, competent lecturers related to Anti-Aging Medicine were presented.


This program was held in collaboration with the Indonesian Center for Anti-Aging Medicine (INCAAM). The event will be held starting on June 25 2023 and ending on June 28 2023, at the Four Star Hotel, Jalan Puputan, Renon, Denpasar.


Followed by 30 doctors who were selected selectively, who came from various regions in Indonesia. The event began with an introduction by Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subsp.SAAM, regarding the increasing number of doctors who are interested in studying Anti-Aging Medicine up to master and doctoral levels.


Furthermore, the event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, who stated the need for doctors to increase their knowledge in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine, according to the principles of Evidence Based Medicine.


The purpose of this PIAAM for doctors is to;

1) have basic knowledge of Anti-Aging Medicine, including aesthetic aspects so that they have better abilities in analyzing, diagnosing, and formulating treatment strategies or actions to deal with certain problems related to the aging process, 2) able to provide treatment correctly based on the latest developments in knowledge related to Anti-Aging -Aging Medicine,

3) have basic knowledge to take further education related to Anti-Aging Medicine.


The twenty-third PIAAM begins with a pretest, ends with a posttest, consisting of lectures, discussions and workshops. Lectures cover the basic material of Anti-Aging Medicine including aesthetic aspects, and workshops on handling cases of hormone problems, physical exercise, and aesthetic skills.


The twenty-third PIAAM involves lecturers and lecture and workshop assistants; Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subsp.SAAM, Prof. Dr. dr. Alex Pangkahila, M.Sc., Subsp.SAAM, Prof. Dr. dr. AAG Budhiarta, Sp.PD. KEMD, Prof. dr. IGM Aman, SpFK, Prof. Dr. dr. Wayan Weta, MS, Sp.GK, Dr. dr. AAGP Wiraguna, Sp.KK (K), Dr. dr. Gde Indraguna Pinatih, MSc., Sp.GK, dr. Erivia D Pangkahila, MBiomed, Sp.KK, dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M.Biomed (AAM), Dr. dr. AAN Susraini, Sp.PA(K), dr. Made Oka Negara, M.Biomed, dr. IGN Pramesemara, Biomed, Sp. And, dr. IGA Dewi Ratnayanti, M.Biomed (AAM), and dr. Rusmiasih Anom, M. Biomed(AAM).


Colleagues from the previous batch of graduates reported great benefits they had received after attending this basic level of education. Some of them then continued to attend the Masters Program to increase their knowledge and become professional doctors.