Guest Lecture from CEERRF University, France

Guest Lecture from CEERRF University, France


Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a hybrid Guest Lecture with the main point in Prof.'s room. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, FK Building, Denpasar (16/6/2023)


This time the guest lecture presented a guest speaker from CEERRF University, Adrien Pallot, PT., M.Sc with the topic Critical Appraisal in Physiotherapy moderated by Gede Partha Kinandana, S.FT., M.Fis


The purpose of holding this event is as a means of sharing knowledge and information related to the latest developments in the field of physiotherapy owned by the speakers.


The event was opened directly by the Dean of FK UNUD Dr.dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, who on this occasion said that the topic in this webinar is a very interesting topic to talk about plus the speaker present is a practitioner who can share his knowledge directly based on cases in the field.


"My hope is that the collaboration between CEERRF University and FK Unud can continue to grow, and all the knowledge and experience conveyed by today's speakers can provide additional knowledge and broaden the insights of the webinar participants," he said.


After opening, the event continued with a presentation by the speaker which was continued with a discussion session which was attended by the Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes, Head of the Physiotherapy Department, Ftr. Ari Wibawa, S.St.Ft., M.Fis, all participants from among lecturers and students who attended online and offline.