Ready to Serve into the Community, BEM FTP Unud Executes Pre-BISMA 2023

Student Social Service of the Udayana Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP Unud) or often abbreviated as BISMA FTP is a work program of the Student Executive Board at the Udayana University especially at Faculty of Agricultural Technology. This activity is a community service activity carried out by the youngest Batch students at FTP.


BISMA 2023 has 3 main series, namely BISMA Socialization, Pre BISMA, and D-Day of BISMA FTP 2023. Previously, BISMA Socialization had been carried out which discussed information notification regarding BISMA activities such as the village where the activity was located, topic of proposal ideas and distribution of groups according to village potential as well as a series of BISMA FTP 2023 activities. Pre-BISMA activities were held on June 10th , 2023 at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. The Pre BISMA FTP 2023 activity focuses on giving marks or judging the results of students' ideas which are packaged in the form of service proposals related to the potential and problems that exist in the village of implementing the activity, namely Manukaya Village. This service proposal was then presented in the Pre BISMA FTP 2023 activities.


In the Pre-Bisma Activities carried out, the best group was selected from each topic, namely on the topic of Food the best group was Group 2 with the idea of ??Manukaya's Cardice (Cardamom Ice) as an Innovation Product to Develop the Potential of Agricultural Products in Manukaya Village, Kec. Tampaksiring, Gianyar Regency, for the Non-Food topic the best group was group 10 with the idea of ??Utilizing Oranges to Make Aromatherapy Candles while for the topic Organic Waste the best group was Group 12 with the topic Making Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) as a Problem Solve for Organic Waste. The jury for this Pre-Bisma activity were Lecturers of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology consisting of A.A. Sri Wiadnyani's wife, S.TP., M.Sc., Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara, S.TP., M.Sc., and I Putu Gede Budisanjaya, S.TP., MT.


I Made Bagus Wisesa Yogiswara as chairman of the Activity Committee reported that the best groups from each topic would provide training to the community in Manukaya Village, Tampak Siring District, Gianyar Regency to make products that had been designed according to the service proposal submitted. He also hopes that the innovations and ideas designed can provide input and solutions for the people of Manukaya Village to develop the potential that exists in Manukaya Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency, he said.