Healthy Roadshow for Elderly and Children (ROSELA) HMKU 2023

The General Medicine Student Association (HMKU) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University through the field of Community Development (Pengmas) carried out the 2023 Rosela (Healthy Roadshow for the Elderly and Children) with activities in the form of health services, outreach, and providing assistance in the form of groceries and stationery to the elderly and children children in Bungbungan Village, Banjarangkan District, Klungkung Regency, Bali.


Rosela 2023 is an implementation of one of the Three Pillars of Higher Education, namely community service and a concrete manifestation of concern for the elderly and children in need. The Rosela activity was successfully carried out on Saturday, 13 May 2023 which was opened directly by the Head of Bungbungan Village. In his remarks, the Head of Bungbungan Village thanked Unud FK students for the Rosela activities carried out. Activities continued with health services for the elderly and children. Health services for the elderly include checking blood pressure, blood sugar and uric acid, while health services for children include checking eye health and BMI. The elderly and children also received health socialization and assistance in the form of groceries and stationery.


Through Rosela's activities, it is hoped that the elderly and children will have concern for their health condition. Apart from that, this activity is also expected to foster the social spirit of FK Unud students in contributing to improving the quality of public health.