FMIPA's Musrenbang targets IKU performance

The academic community of the Udayana University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) represented by all Faculty leaders (Deans, Deputy Deans), study program coordinators, Unit heads, Administration participated in the Planning and Development Conference (Musrenbang). The Musrenbang was held in the FMIPA meeting room, discussed the  programs to be implemented in 2024 and focused on achieving Indicator Kinerja Utama  (IKU - Key Performance Indicator).


In her remarks, the Dean of FMIPA said that every activity carried out at FMIPA is expected to be targeted and improved with reference to the IKU Target. FMIPA has 6 Undergraduate Study Programs, 1 Professional Program, 2 Masters Programs, and 1 Doctoral Program. The IKU target owned by FMIPA is already good, but still needs to be improved. For this reason, it is hoped that all activities carried out will still refer to this IKU target. It was also conveyed that the condition of the new FMIPA building or the Lecture Building was ready for use. Currently, equipment is being transferred from the old building to the new building. As of May 22, 2023 it has been used by the faculty and it is hoped that starting next semester the Lecture Building will be fully utilized for all lectures and administrative activities.


On the musrenbang agenda, in addition to the presentation of the Faculty's targets delivered by the Dean, along with the deputy Dean, it was followed by a discussion session aimed at discussing and absorbing input or aspirations submitted by each Study Program Coordinator. In this musrenbang, plans for international seminars are also discussed to support the publication and dissemination of research results produced by researchers in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The seminar which will be held in November 2023 is a development of the STIC (Science and Technology International Conference) international seminar which was previously held in 2022. The holding of this very fluid discussion shows that all the work programs that will be submitted have absorbed the aspirations of all parties.


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