Inisiate Cooperation, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University received a visit from the Bali Natural Resources Conservation Agency

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University received a visit from the Center for Natural Resources Conservation (NRCA) Bali in the 2nd floor meeting room of the FVM Sudirman building, Denpasar (17/05/2023). Present at this meeting were the Dean, Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Coordinator of the Bachelor of Veterinary Study Program, Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit (UPIKS), and the Primate Expertise Team of FVM Unud. The NRCA was represented by the Head of the Bali NRCA, Dr. R Agus Budi Santosa, S.Hut, M.T and the team.



NRCA's visit to FVM Unud was a series of activities to explore initial cooperation between NRCA and FVM Unud. Head of NRCA Bali Dr. Agus said that collaboration between the university and the conservation center was needed to preserve nature in Indonesia. There are still many problems that exist in society so it is necessary to educate the public. One of them that is happening a lot in the field today is the case of long-tailed monkeys roaming residents' housing. Incidents of long-tailed monkeys in residents' residential areas are increasing due to many factors, one of which is being released by the previous owner. So, we need a solution in handling it. In finding a solution, valid data is needed on the actual population of monkeys in Bali. Cross-sector cooperation is needed for the success of this program. Collaboration between NRCA and FVM Unud in collecting data on long-tailed monkeys in districts in Bali is expected to be one of the keys to the success of this program.



FVM Dean, Prof. Dr. drh I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si welcomed the collaboration in collecting data on long-tailed monkey populations in regencies in Bali. Apart from being able to collaborate between sectors, this data collection activity can also provide an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience working in the field of wildlife. Experience in the field is very important for a student. So far, FVM Unud has participated in several NRCA activities such as sending students to stranding whale cases and turtle rehabilitation.

Furthermore, this activity plan will be followed up by creating a memorandum of agreement (MoA) between the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University and the NRCA of the province of Bali. Prof. Suartha said that he hoped that this program could be the start of a sustainable collaboration considering that there was still a lot of collaboration that could be carried out, such as joint research and Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) activities. Several MBKM programs that can be implemented include Teaching Practitioners and Independent Internships.