The Development and Planning Meeting (MUSRENBANG) for 2024 Fiscal Year The Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University

The Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University held a Development and Planning Meeting (MUSRENBANG) for the 2024 Fiscal Year on Thursday, 11 May 2023 at the hall of Gd. BH Lt IV FEB Sudirman Campus. 



The 2024 FEB Unud MUSRENBANG was began with a report by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs, Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Pubadharmaja, S.E., M.E. In his report WD 1 said that the 2024 fiscal year MUSRENBANG activities were attended by 114 participants consisting of Faculty Leaders, Academic Senate, Lecturer representatives, Employee representatives, student representatives and also some strategic cooperation partners such as Gojek, BPD Bali, JAMKRIDA, Tokyo Marine, IAI, Royal Pita Maha, Pegadaian and XL Representatives. This activity was held with the aim of obtaining directions related to work program planning for 2024 Fiscal Year and also to obtain guideline regarding work programs from all elements of the FEB Unud academic community and also from strategic cooperation partners.


Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. in presenting material regarding the guideline of development and policies of FEB Unud in 2024 said that FEB is one of the largest and highly competitive faculties at Udayana University. Furthermore, the Dean also conveyed that the work program prepared refers to the achievement of the Performance Contract, the fulfillment of the LAMEMBA criteria, the achievement of the RENSTRA and the fulfillment of management documents.


After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a discussion session. In the discussion session, several inputs related to the MBKM program and work programs were conveyed by strategic cooperation partners, lecturer and student representatives. Strategic cooperation partners enthusiastically welcome the MBKM program implementation and hope that in the future this activity can be carried out with a longer duration and the publication of learning outcome guidelines so that the objectives of implementing the MBKM program can be achieved. The 2024 fiscal year MUSRENBANG activities were also continued with the 2024 Budget Distribution and the signing of the 2023 Performance Contract between the Study Program Coordinator/Program Coordinator/Unit Coordinator/Unit Head and the Dean.


The 2024 fiscal year MUSRENBANG ended with remarks by the Head of the FEB Senate, Mr. Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, S.E.,M.Si. In his remarks the Head of the Senate expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the MUSRENBANG this time which involved all elements in planning the work program for 2024 fiscal year.