Informatics student, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, I Gede Rizki Heriana Prayoga, won a proud achievement in two types of videography and photography competitions. The two types of competitions held in the Bali region are expected to inspire the public about the beauty of the Bali region as well as aim to hone the participants' skills in photography and videography, as well as a platform to promote Balinese culture and nature.


In the Videography Contest "Content Creator Competition" held by the Bali Negri Polytechnic on January 29 2023, Rizki's video entitled "Tips to Make the Event Proper" won 1st place. In a competition that requires all participants to make creative videos that can inspire and entertaining the audience, Rizki managed to combine creative ideas with good shooting techniques, telling stories about how to design an event to be more proper, so as to avoid failure. Rizki's work was successful in impressing the jury. Rizki's video can be watched at the following link:


Meanwhile in the Photography Competition "Photo Competition Balinese Culture & Nature UKM Multimedia Primakara", which was held by STIMIK Primakara at the regional level on April 15 2023, Rizki produced a photo showing the culture of the Celuluk Mask so that it won 3rd place. The Celuluk Mask Dance itself is one of a traditional dance from Bali that tells the story of a man who turns into a mystical creature, namely celuluk. This dance is performed by wearing a mask that resembles a celuluk's face and uses elegant and dynamic dance movements. In addition, the Celuluk Mask dance also involves gamelan accompaniment and songs that accompany the dance movements. This dance is often performed at traditional events, religious ceremonies or art performances in Bali. The Celuluk Mask Dance is also an important cultural heritage for the Balinese people and is part of their cultural identity.


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