Celebrating Earth Day, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, held a Beach Clean Up and Iftar

On Sunday, April 9 2023, Community Service division of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Udayana University, together with volunteers carried out a Beach Clean Up activity as well as an Iftar held at Padang Galak Kesiman Beach, in order to welcome Earth Day that falls on 22 April 2023 which also coincides with the Holy Month of Ramadan.


The purpose of this activity are to show action from our concern of the surrounding environment, maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem around Padang Galak beach from plastic waste, and to build a sense of togetherness between the volunteers.


This activity starts with preparations at 10.00 a.m to prepare the necessary tools for cleaning the beach and continues with the preparation of takjil which will later be distributed during iftar. Starting at 15.00 WITA all the volunteers will gather at the building of Veterinary Medicine Faculty in Sudirman and leave for Padang Galak Beach together.


The activity was opened by MUH. Fadly and Arine Rayka Khaniya as the person in charge of today's activity, followed by a few words from Alvin Limanto as the Head of Student Executive Board (BEM) of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, and continued with remarks


by Mr. Ir. I Ketut Adi Putraka as Jero Patengen of the Kesiman Traditional Village. The symbol of giving a trash can to Mr. Adi Putraka signifies the start of this activity.


The cleaning was carried out for approximately 2 hours and the garbage that we had collected would then be brought by the DLHK city of Denpasar. After several preparations, at 18.23 WITA we did iftar. The volunteers are allowed to gather and bond with each other during this time. Once the event was finished, the volunteers are allowed to do free activities. “This program is really exciting. Through the beach cleaning program, not just being

The BCU event was really fun to be able to upgrade our environment into a better one, we can also socialize and create stronger bonds with other people. Hopefully the next beach clean up activities can be even more exciting and hopefully next time we will get even more participants since this activity really does bring such an impact to our environment," said Eka Listiana, the volunteer of BCU and BukBer activities.