Carry out the Selection of Outstanding Students, FTP Unud is ready to send Representatives to the University Level

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) has completed the Selection of Outstanding FTP Unud Students in the Theater Room, GA Building, 2nd  floor, FTP Unud. This activity was attended by student representatives from each study program within the FTP Udayana University, namely representatives from the Food Technology Study Program, the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program and the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program.


The selection of outstanding FTP Unud students certainly goes through a fairly rigorous selection stage such as the collection of written works and the presentation of written works which are of course assessed by a jury who is experienced in their field. The jury for the selection of outstanding FTP Unud students was Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, M.S.,Ph.D. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Sc. and Dr. Ns. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom. In the process of selecting outstanding students who were very strict, Zulfa Hana Maulida from the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program was selected as the 1st winner of the FTP Unud Achievement Student who would later represent FTP Unud in the Achievement Student Selection event at the university level. In addition, 2nd place was won by Adella Neuvile Hefly Poluan from the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program and 3rd place was won by Luh Made Putri Apriliani from the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program.


Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., congratulated all participants who had struggled and competed, he also congratulated the winners and hoped that the selected students who would later represent the Faculty of Agricultural Technology at the University level could give their best performance so that it is hoped that later they will be able to represent the University in the National Level Achievement Student Selection event, he said.