Community Service

Author: Community Service Team | UPIKS FH UNUD Team Editor


Baturiti-Tabanan, - Faculty of Law UNUD held a community service with the theme "Socialization of the Preparation of Village Regulations" on Saturday (11/02/2023) at the Meeting Room of the Baturiti Village Office, Tabanan Regency. The Dean of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, S.H., M.Hum) and the Prefect of Baturiti Village (I Ketut Matra, SH) were present to give remarks as well as open ways of community service.


This dedication activity presented 2 speakers: Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, SH., MH. and Made Nurmawati, SH., MH., moderated by Nyoman Mas Aryani, SH., MH. and was attended by the Deputy Deans I and II of the Faculty of Law UNUD, the heads and representatives of members of the Lab/Section within the Faculty of Law UNUD, professors, lecturers of the Faculty of Law UNUD, education staff of the Faculty of Law UNUD, Chair and members of the Baturiti Village BPD, Chair and members of the Baturiti Village LPM , Babinsa Baturiti Village, Bhabinkamtibmas Baturiti Village, Head of TP PKK Baturiti Village and Baturiti Village Devices and Staff.


The material presented by the resource persons regarding the Preparation of Village Regulations. The matters that need to be made into related inter-village regulations, also these regulations not only function to run the village but also are derivatives of higher Legislation that are concrete, individual and final. A good Village Regulation includes and contains orderly authority, orderly substance, orderly procedures and orderly implementation. Indicators of success and failure of a village regulation include authority, planning, the need for training and assistance in drafting village regulations, regional innovation, funding, socio-cultural values, dissemination of village regulations from the planning stage and finally the techniques for forming village regulations.