UNUD Faculty of Law Adds International Collaboration Partners with Doshisha University

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS


Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id – Tuesday (21/01/2023) at the Hall of the Faculty of Law UNUD Denpasar Campus, an International Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Law UNUD and the Research Center for International Transactions and Law (RECITAL), Doshisha University, Japan. The signing was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, SH., M.Hum) and the Director of RECITAL (Prof. Naoshi Takasugi). The scope of cooperation includes academic fields and research collaborations.


Also present were the Chairperson of the Intellectual Property Rights Teaching Association/APHKI (Prof. OK Saidin, SH., M.Hum), Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University/UNDIP (Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, SH., M.Hum), Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia /UI (represented by Dr. Henny Marlina, SH., MH., MLI), Dean of the Faculty of Law UNDIKNAS (Dr. Ni Nyoman Juwita Arsawati, SH., MH) who also signed an International Cooperation Agreement with RECITAL, Doshisha University, Japan .


The signing ceremony for the International Cooperation was followed by an International Seminar on "Intellectual Property Laws." The international seminar on the topic of Intellectual Property Law is an implementation of the International Cooperation Agreement. There are 2 sessions at the international seminar, the first is the Keynote Speaker session by presenting Prof. Naoshi Takasugi and Prof. Dr. Insan Budi Maulana, SH., LLM who is a Law Practitioner and Professor in the field of Intellectual Property. The second session presented 4 speakers who have expertise in the field of intellectual property, namely: Prof. OK Saidin, SH., M.Hum (University of North Sumatra/USU), Prof. Dr. Kholis Roisah, SH., M.Hum (UNDIP), Dr. Henny Marlina, Sh., MH., MLI (UI) and Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH., M.Hum, LLM (UNUD).


Chairman of the Committee for the signing of cooperation agreements and international seminars, Dr. Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum urged Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum to convey that the event was held in a hybrid manner (online and offline). APHKI management and members, lecturers and students from the Faculty of Law UNUD, UNDIKNAS, UI, UNDIP and USU participated online while offline was attended by Prof. Hayyanul Haq, SH., LLM, PhD (University of Mataram) Deputy Deans, Coordinating Study Programs, Unit Coordinators, Heads of Labs/Sections, Lecturers, student representatives from each Study Program within the Faculty of Law UNUD and lecturers and students of Faculty of Law UNDIKNAS"


Both activities ran smoothly and in the future there will be collaborative research and teaching collaborations by foreign lecturers from RECITAL, Doshisha University, Japan.