Palangkaraya University Graduate School Visits and Shares Tips for Attracting Fresh Graduate Students

Udayana University Postgraduate Program (Unud) received a visit from the Postgraduate Program of Palangkaraya University (UPR) to conduct discussions and comparative studies. This activity was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, in Room 3.10, 3rd Floor, of Udayana University's Postgraduate Building, and was attended by Udayana University's Director and Deputy Director of Postgraduate Academic Affairs, as well as the Coordinator of the Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M), the Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS), the Administrative Coordinator, and the Postgraduate Educators.


"Thank you for receiving us from Palangkaraya; it feels like going home; I happen to be an alumnus of the Unud class of 1980,"  said Prof. Dr. I. Nyoman Sudyana, M.Sc., Director of Postgraduate UPR. UPR Postgraduate has several problems related to the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education, including the accreditation of study programs, scholarships, examination teams, how to attract prospective students, and others.


"Udayana University, through the Vice Chancellor and Deputy Deans and Deputy Directors of Academic Affairs, is designing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) regarding the fast track program, which is a program where undergraduate students at Udayana University can directly continue to the Masters Study Program; maybe that is one of our future programs to attract prospective fresh graduate students,"  said Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.SC., Ph.D., Director of Postgraduate Unud. In addition to the fast track program that is being designed by the SOP, Postgraduate Unud is also preparing to open anytime registration, where prospective students can register at any time without being limited in time, and the implementation of full online entrance tests to facilitate prospective students who will enroll in Postgraduate Unud, considering that most prospective students are workers whose time is less flexible if they have to go back and forth to campus.


This visit is also expected to be the beginning of a friendship so that we can work together in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. "Hopefully this can be the beginning of a friendship between UPR Postgraduate and Udayana University; maybe in the future we can collaborate in the implementation of distance learning (PJJ), the exchange of external examiners, community service, and research, considering that there is already a common interest in the study program, namely the Environmental Science Study Program both Masters and Doctoral, which further increases the opportunity for cooperation," added Prof. Dr. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., Deputy Director of Postgraduate Academic Affairs at Udayana University. (bmp)