The Undergraduate Management Study Program ( synergizes with the Management Student Association in organizing a series of Management Intense Coaching Entrepreneurship (MJ ICE) activities, namely Activity Socialization and Entrepreneurship Training and Assistance on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at in the Hall of the BM Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University which takes place from 08.00 - 13.00 WITA.




The activity began with a report from the Chair of the Committee, remarks by the Head of the Management Student Association, and remarks by the Coordinator of the Management Study Program who also opened the 2023 Management Intense Entrepreneurship Coaching activity. This activity was attended by representatives of each group of participants, invitees, and the organizing committee.

This Entrepreneurship Training and Assistance activity is intended to provide an overview and socialization regarding Management Intense Coaching Entrepreneurship (MJ ICE) activities, where later the winners in the MJ ICE activity will be given funding to carry out the business activities they submitted in the proposal.


Material presentations were given by resource persons, namely, I Gede Nandya Oktora P.S.E., M.B.A., CRA., CRP., who has assisted many FEB Unud students in winning championships at national and international levels in the field of business plan competitions. In this activity, a discussion session was also held with participants regarding techniques for preparing good business proposals.
the final session of the activity was closed with a socialization from the MJ ICE Committee to introduce Management Intense Coaching Entrepreneurship activities and explain the series of events from MJ ICE itself