Director of Postgraduate Program Unud Discusses Cooperation Realization and Preparation for Opening a New Study Program, Master of Science in Sustainable Finance and Development, Udayana University, While Visiting the OJK Regional Office 8 Bali Nusra


The visitation of the Postgraduate Program Director of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D, to the Office of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara which was accompanied by Deputy Director I, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., Deputy Director II, Dr. I.G.A. Putri Kartika, S.H., M.H., and Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit, Dr. Ir. Ngurah Indra ER, S.T., M.Sc., took place on Friday, February 10, 2023. The Unud Postgraduate representatives were personally received by the Head of OJK Regional 8, Giri Tribroto, and members of his staff at the OJK Regional 8 Office, Jalan WR Supratman No. 1, East Denpasar.



The meeting, which took place in a relaxed atmosphere, discussed various cooperation initiatives as an implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between OJK and Unud Number MoU-12/D.01/2021 and Number B/123/UN14/HK.07.00/2021 concerning financial services sector development, sustainable finance, financial education, and consumer and community protection in the financial services sector. Detailed discussions included, among others, opportunities for research collaboration, data sharing, human resources sharing, MBKM implementation, sustainable and inclusive financial literacy, consumer and community protection, and the implementation of KKN-Tematik. 



Another important item on the agenda was the planning for the establishment of the Master of Science in Sustainable Finance and Development at Udayana University, which was initiated by the Unud Postgraduate Program as a study program management unit classified as a Multi, Inter, and Transdisciplinary Science Network. Through the hard work of its task force, spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., the identity of the Master of Science in Sustainable Finance and Development at Udayana University has finally been published in the Higher Education Institutional Information System (SIAGA), where the next step is to apply for an operational permit to commence the study program. The opening of this study program coincides with the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between OJK and Unud in 2021. Therefore, the preparation for its birth has been strongly supported by the OJK Integrated Financial Services Sector Policy Group (GKKT), the OJK Institute, OJK Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara, the National Secretariat of TPB / SDGs Bappenas, and Bappeda Bali Province, as well as the leadership of Unud. (nie)