Medical Undergraduate Study Program Students Graduated With GPA 3.99

The Medical Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Bachelor of Medicine Judisium which took place in Dr. A A Made Djelantik, FK-Denpasar Building. (3/2/2023)


The event began with a report from the person in charge of medical undergraduate education; dr. I Gde Haryo Ganesha, S.Ked., M.Biomed., and continued with the reading of the best graduates by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Medicine Study Program; dr. I Wayan Sumardika, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D.


The Bachelor of Medicine Study Program on this occasion graduated 212 students consisting of the 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2015 batches where the best graduates were won by 6 people, namely; Jocelin Nethaniela, Rogerio Andrez Kosasih, Jennifer Lousia, I Wayan Bagus Abiyoga Suputra, Bryan Gervais de Liyis, and Ni Wayan Puspita Dewi.


In his remarks, Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning; Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya.Sp.OT(K) congratulated the graduates and was proud of the best graduates who won a GPA of 3.99.


"Our hope is for students who are going to carry out their profession to be professional in developing their knowledge. Because the professional stages are very different from academic education. When carrying out your profession, you will directly deal with patients who are required to maintain professional ethics."


The yudisium program ended with congratulations and a group photo to the best graduates and all the yudisium participants.