Discussion on the Preparation of Academic Documents on the Business Entity Bill

Author: Made Aditya Pramana | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team


Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id – Thursday (02/02/2023) at the Video Conference Room of the Faculty of Law UNUD Denpasar Campus, the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN) of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) together with the Lab/Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law UNUD carried out Discussion on the Preparation of the Academic Paper (NA) of the Draft Law (RUU) on Business Entities. The activity began with remarks and was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, S.H., M.Hum.).


This activity presented 2 (two) speakers, namely: Adharinalti, SH., MH (Head of Academic Paper Preparation at the National Legal Planning Center BPHN Kemenkumham RI and Dr. I Ketut Westra, SH., MH. (Academician of the Faculty of Law UNUD). moderated by Dr. Dewa Gde Rudy, SH., M.Hum (Academician of the Faculty of Law UNUD) The material presented by Adharinalti, SH., MH was the Preparation of the NA Bill on Business Entities and material from Dr. I Ketut Westra, SH., MH are Forms of Business Entity.


The discussion activity on the preparation of NA Business Entities Bill was attended by Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean III, Coordinator of Undergraduate Study Program (S1) of Law, Coordinator of Doctoral Study Program (S3) of Law, Head of Civil Law Lab/Department, Professors in Civil Law Lab/Department, Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit, as well as lecturers from the Lab/Section of Civil Law Faculty of Law UNUD, as well as a team from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.


The material presented regarding the regulation of Civil Partnership Business Entities, Firms, and CVs which still refers to Dutch legal products, namely: Burgerlijk Wetboek (Civil Law Code) and Wetboek van Koophandel (Commercial Law Code). There has been a partial renewal of the form of a limited liability company with the Limited Liability Company Law No. 1 of 1995 was later amended by Law no. 40 of 2007 (UUPT). In its development, the Company Law was encouraged to make changes to several materials, including the basis for the establishment of PT, PT capital, PT organs, issue holding companies, group companies, separation of state finances within BUMN, supervision of PT by the government so that the existence of PT is in accordance with the initial purpose of its formation and several other material. And also discussed in this event is the format for the preparation of NA according to Appendix I of the Law on Formation of Legislation No.12 of 2011.